Chapter 13: Families and Religion (Family Violence)

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Chapter 13 discusses how members of a family can be exposed to violence, disruption, and conflict by the head of the household. It is estimated that 25 percent of women will be physically abused by a partner at least once in their lifetime. Men are also abused in relationships, but men are more likely to be the abusers. The reason for domestic violence is that the more dominate partner often time needs to feel control. The discussion we did this year that most relates to family violence is the September 25th- 30th post on deviance. Family violence can be considered a formal deviant act because it is illegal and violates expected norms and rules of society. According to the Symbolic Interaction Theory of deviance (Anderson, 2009), "deviance is a learned behavior, reinforced through group membership." Family violence is a learned behavior. 

Scholarly Journals:
I found this article on the University of Idaho EBSCOhost database. The journal discusses the outcomes of family violence on children's behavior patterns.  

I found this article on the University of Idaho EBSCOhost database. The journal discusses the effects domestic violence has on women and children.

This video explains the effects domestic violence has on women and children. It explains how children experiencing domestic violence will learn that it is acceptable behavior. 

Internet Sites:
This site gives yous all of the information you need to know about domestic violence. It provides you will information like what  the common myths of domestic violence are, who the victims are, and who the abusers are. 
This site is a place where people can take action against domestic violence. People can voice their support to people that are in violent relationships and help make transitions to more positive atmospheres. 

The justice system does very little to protect people from spousal abuse. This recent news story gives you the reasons for the failing court system.

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